DANOBAT receives the certificate for Safety and Health at Work

DANOBAT, S. COOP. has been endorsed with the Certificate of Safety and Health at Work, granted by the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR). This title confirms that the company complies with legislation on risk prevention and the commitment of all employees to continuous improvement in health and safety at work.
The certificate shows that the cooperative has implemented a management system that promotes and protects the health, welfare and safety of employees. The OHSAS 18001 standard allows the company to reduce workplace accidents and increase productivity by identifying, evaluating and controlling the risks associated with each job. Furthermore, it improves the internal management of the organization and company-worker and company-administration and stakeholder communication.
Thus the new certificate, dated 03/04/2015, joins the long list of certificates and degrees of quality already prized by the Basque company and confirms the work done by the cooperative to improve and look after each of its partners and employees.