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Danobatgroup opens its doors to new generations in Germany

Danobatgroup opens its doors to new generations in Germany
  • Four students from the Tecnun Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering visited the Danobat-Overbeck and Bimatec Soraluce facilities yesterday. 
  • This occasion was part of the Advanced Manufacturing Hackathon Award, organised by the industrial group and the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra.


The German subsidiaries of the Danobat and Soraluce cooperatives of the industrial group Danobatgroup, Danobat-Overbeck and Bimatec Soraluce, opened their doors yesterday to the future of advanced manufacturing with a visit from four students from the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering at Tecnun, the Engineering School of the University of Navarra. 

This unique opportunity is the prize won by the students last December at the Advanced Manufacturing Hackathon, held at Danobatgroup's facilities in Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa), as part of the collaboration agreement that the Group and Tecnun have maintained since 2015 to strengthen links between the academic and professional worlds. 

The visit of the students, Kimetz Burutaran, Iker Elizetxea, Alexander Pardo and Daniel Cornejo, kicked off at Overbeck, a benchmark company in Germany in the industrial grinding sector.

Overbeck, which has been part of the Danobat Group since 2002 following its acquisition by the Danobat cooperative, showed the Tecnun students the result of 100 years of experience and specialisation in internal, external and high-precision radius grinding machines, capable of meeting the most demanding technical requirements for components such as bearing rings, gears, etc. 

The group then visited Bimatec, Soraluce's centre of excellence and a leader in the German milling market for more than 25 years, to get a closer look at the advanced solutions in areas such as milling, drilling and multifunctional solutions that Soraluce offers in its German facilities.

In this space, the students visited a 3,800 m2 workshop for testing and trials, which integrates a complete range of Soraluce machines for the purpose of evaluation, its own technical department to develop customised solutions for the local market, and the Soraluce Academy, a platform that allows customers to connect with experts in different fields to share, learn and implement solutions and projects, as well as other key departments of Bimatec.

During the visit, the Tecnun students also had the opportunity to interact and share experiences with Basque professionals from the sector working in Germany, as well as with German people linked to the activity of cooperatives in the Basque Country.
"This innovative format has allowed us to show the students how internationalised companies such as those belonging to Danobatgroup are managed, to exchange experiences on a daily basis in a multicultural and global environment, and to demonstrate how cooperation between different cultures influences the management of projects and the success of companies," says Iker Usabiaga, Danobatgroup's Director of Social Management.

About Danobatgroup

With 70 years of experience in technologies applied to industrial manufacturing, Danobatgroup boasts a workforce of more than 1,400 highly skilled professionals and a turnover of €337 million. The group, which belongs to the MONDRAGON Corporation, is made up of the co-operatives Danobat, Soraluce and Goimek, and is an international benchmark in the machine tool and industrial manufacturing technology sector.

About Tecnun

Tecnun - Engineering School of the University of Navarra in San Sebastian contributes to the professional, scientific and human training of future engineers. Since its creation in 1961, it has maintained a balance between teaching, research and service to society, and encourages these activities to complement each other.