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SORALUCEk NASOSENERGOMASHen produkzio prosezua optimizatu du

SORALUCEk NASOSENERGOMASHen produkzio prosezua optimizatu du
NASOSENERGOMASH Pump & Power Engineering Works Sumy Ukrainako konpainia industrial garrantzitsuenetakoa da, eta honako sektore hauetako ponpen fabrikazioan espezializatuta dago: nuklearra, petrolioa, gasa, termikoa eta hidroelektrikoa. Ponpen diseinu abangoardista, euren fabrikazio, transformazio eta instalazio probak diseinurako eta ponpa modelo berriak merkaturatzeko oinarri dira; horrela, hornitzen dituen sektoreetako eskaera zorrotzenak asetzen ditu. NASOSENERGOMASHek DANOBATGROUPeko hiru makina erosi ditu: = sectionTop && scrollPosition < sectionBottom) { item.classList.add("active"); } else { item.classList.remove("active"); } } }); mobilemenuItems.forEach((item) => { // const targetId = item.getAttribute("href").substring(2); const targetId = item.getAttribute("href").split('#')[1] console.log(targetId) const targetSection = document.getElementById(targetId); if (targetSection) { const sectionTop = (targetSection.offsetTop+$('.tm-toolbar').outerHeight()) - ( $('.tm-header-mobile').outerHeight() + $('.tm-top').outerHeight()); const sectionBottom = sectionTop + targetSection.offsetHeight; if (scrollPosition >= sectionTop && scrollPosition < sectionBottom) { item.classList.add("active"); } else { item.classList.remove("active"); } } }); } // window.addEventListener('scroll', setActiveMenuItem); function attachScrollEvent() { window.addEventListener('scroll', setActiveMenuItem); } function detachScrollEvent() { window.removeEventListener('scroll', setActiveMenuItem); } $(window).scroll(function () { // Check if the user has scrolled down 100 pixels if ($(this).scrollTop() > 35) { if (!$('').hasClass('top-zero')) { $('').addClass('top-zero') } // $('.sticky').slideDown(); // You can use .show() if you don't want a slide effect // scrollClassAdded = true; } else { $('').removeClass('top-zero') // $('.sticky').slideUp(); // You can use .hide() if you don't want a slide effect // scrollClassAdded = false; } }); // $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden'); // $(window).on('load', function() { // }); function handlerIn() { // body... if (!$(this).hasClass('uk-parent') ) { $('.top-sub-menu').addClass('hide-nav-stripe') } } function handlerOut() { // body... if (!$(this).hasClass('uk-parent') ) { $('.top-sub-menu').removeClass('hide-nav-stripe') } } $(document).ready(function() { // $('.uk-active').off('mouseover mouseenter mouseleave'); $('.uk-navbar-center .uk-active a').on('mouseover', function (e) { $('.top-sub-menu').css('z-index','9999') }) $('.uk-navbar-center .uk-active a').on('mouseout', function (e) { $('.top-sub-menu').removeAttr("style") }) $('.uk-navbar-center .uk-navbar-nav li').on( "mouseenter", handlerIn ).on( "mouseleave", handlerOut ); // top-zero $('html').css('overflow', 'auto'); $("#tm-dialog-mobile").find("").prepend(''); $('.parent-item-arrow').on('click', function(event) { $(this).toggleClass('up') $(this).parent().find('.uk-nav-sub').toggleClass('show') // debugger }) // Smooth scroll to section on menu item click $('.top-sub-menu ul li a').on('click', function(event) { // console.log('here clicked') var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href.includes('#')) { event.preventDefault(); var target = null var _this = $(this) let _trgtId = $(this).attr('href'); if (_trgtId) { target = $('#'+_trgtId.split('#')[1]); } // Remove the scroll event listener temporarily detachScrollEvent(); // debugger // setTimeout(function() { $('.top-sub-menu ul li a').removeClass('active'); if (target && target.length) { let tgetOffset = target.offset().top - ($('.tm-toolbar-default').outerHeight() + $('.tm-headerbar-top').outerHeight()); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: tgetOffset }, 1000, function() { _this.addClass('active'); // Reattach the scroll event listener after the animation completes setTimeout(function() { attachScrollEvent(); }, 800); }); } else { // Reattach the scroll event listener if there is no target attachScrollEvent(); } } }); $('.mobile-sub-menu ul li a').on('click', function(event) { console.log('here click') event.preventDefault(); var target = null var _this = $(this) let _trgtId = $(this).attr('href'); if (_trgtId) { target = $('#'+_trgtId.split('#')[1]); } // Remove the scroll event listener temporarily detachScrollEvent(); // debugger // setTimeout(function() { $('.mobile-sub-menu ul li a').removeClass('active'); if (target && target.length) { let tgetOffset = (target.offset().top+$('.tm-toolbar').outerHeight()) - ( $('.tm-header-mobile').outerHeight() + $('.tm-top').outerHeight()); debugger $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: tgetOffset }, 1000, function() { _this.addClass('active'); // Reattach the scroll event listener after the animation completes setTimeout(function() { attachScrollEvent(); }, 800); }); } else { // Reattach the scroll event listener if there is no target attachScrollEvent(); } }); // $('.mobile-sub-menu').closest('.uk-section-default').hide() // Get all the parent
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